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  • Shandy Beer Recipe – Refreshing Beer Recipe

    Shandy Beer Recipe – Refreshing Beer Recipe

    Hello there, fellow beer drinker! Let me guess… You want to spice up your favorite beer and heard that there’s this thing called a Shandy.  And you might’ve also heard that it’s refreshing and perfect for when you still want a beer under the summer heat. But… … you have

  • Hefeweizen Recipe: A Brewer’s Best Recipe

    Hefeweizen Recipe: A Brewer’s Best Recipe

    Are you craving that cloudy, deep gold German Hefeweizen beer style?  We don’t blame you! This wheat beer is a popular choice in the industry. Brewing Hefeweizen makes use of a special yeast, bittering hops, and a specific malt blend. But Hefeweizen sets itself apart from other wheat beers because

  • Blonde Ale Recipe: A Step By Step Guide

    Blonde Ale Recipe: A Step By Step Guide

    With all these new fancy craft beer styles, sometimes, all a beer geek wants is to have a refreshing and crisp sip of beer. And that’s where the American classic blonde ale is always missed. Quite a shame, though, because this summer favorite is slowly becoming hard to find these

  • Foolproof Kolsch Recipe For Any Home Brewer

    Foolproof Kolsch Recipe For Any Home Brewer

    Kolsch is a very popular beer style in the industry. It originated in Germany and is unique in its light or pale yellow color that’s almost transparent. So, what sets it apart from just any light beer, blonde ale, and other commercial examples out there? Kolsch beer is also very

  • How To Make Hard Cider, A Comprehensive, Step-By-Step Guide

    How To Make Hard Cider, A Comprehensive, Step-By-Step Guide

    Hard cider is an alcoholic beverage created from the fermentation of fruit juice, most commonly apple juice. This drink’s name includes the word “hard” to differentiate it from its non-alcoholic equivalent, apple cider, which is created by pounding apples to extract the juice. Here’s something to think about: In many

  • Best Thermometer For Brewing, The Definitive Guide 2025

    Best Thermometer For Brewing, The Definitive Guide 2025

    Whether you’re a veteran brewer or just starting your all-grain brewing adventure… …then, you’d know that having good brewing thermometers is a no-brainer for brewers like you. Having the best brewing thermometer ensures the correct temperature to make your homebrew top-notch – or, as we say, brewstatic.  So, if you’re




  • Guide on How to Brew Loose Leaf Tea Without an Infuser

    Guide on How to Brew Loose Leaf Tea Without an Infuser

    If you love your loose leaf tea as much as I do, then you want to know that you can enjoy a good cup without anything getting in the way, not even a lack of an infuser. If this is you, then you are in the right place. I’m about

  • Brewing For Beginners: How Long Does It Take To Brew Beer At Home?

    Brewing For Beginners: How Long Does It Take To Brew Beer At Home?

    Every beer enthusiast has wondered at some point in their lives how to brew beer at home. However, how much of your time will this endeavor take? The answer is, not that much. To make your first small batch of homemade brew, you need a brewing kit. The brewing kit

  • How To Make Nitro Cold Brew Coffee At Home

    How To Make Nitro Cold Brew Coffee At Home

    The Nitro cold brew coffee became the new kid on the block six years ago when it was first introduced on the market. Years later, it has managed to maintain that same flair. True fans of this drink cannot get enough. This guide is here to teach you how to

  • What is the Difference Between Cold Brew and Iced Coffee?

    What is the Difference Between Cold Brew and Iced Coffee?

    While glancing at menus in restaurants, have you ever asked yourself, “what is the difference between cold brew and iced coffee?” It’s quite easy to confuse the two of them. You’re probably more familiar with their conventional counterparts like macchiatos, cappuccinos, and lattes. However, during the summer, you may want

  • How to Brew Black Tea

    How to Brew Black Tea

    Black tea leaves or the camellia sinensis have immense health benefits because of their antioxidant properties. They reduce free radicals in the body and prevent chronic inflammation as a result. Additionally, black tea leaves also improve gut health, which is also called the second brain of the human body). Black

  • Guide on How to Make Cold Brew Coffee in a Mason Jar

    Guide on How to Make Cold Brew Coffee in a Mason Jar

    Coffee trends have encouraged many of us to experiment to get our much-needed coffee boost right at home. We know many of you tried making some dalgona coffee while the world during your time indoors. If you did, you came away with a great tasting coffee. But what about satisfying

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